Vata Dosha

Vata dosha is made of the Ether + Air elements.  

The gunas or qualities of vata are:

dry + light + cold + rough + subtle + mobile + clear

The vata individual is often creative, artistic, spiritual, sensitive, timid, introverted, easily excitable, and irregular in schedule, appetite, menstruation, etc.  They have light, flexible bodies and are quick to move and learn.       


Vata types can have irregular appetite and digestion, leading to gas, burping and constipation. For this reason, vatas should avoid raw, crunchy, rough, dry and cold foods. The textures that are best for vata are liquid, heavy, smooth, soft, oily. They do best with well-cooked, well-spiced, warming food.  The mobile quality of vata leads many to adopt an “on the go” lifestyle.  For this reason, sitting down to a mindful meal helps to balance vata. They may choose to have smaller quantities, taken more frequently so as not to overwhelm their digestive strength.

The tastes that balance vata are: sweet, sour and salty. Sweet foods should come in natural form without added sugar, such as: sweet fruits, starchy carbs like rice, wheat, and sweet potatoes.  Sour foods like lemon, some fruits, and vinegar are heating and promote digestion.  The salty taste is also heating, promotes digestion and warms the blood.  Moderation is key here.  Too much sour and salty foods will provoke pitta.


Vata dosha has the ability to move and change quickly, which can be a double-edged sword.  They can easily fall out of balance due to travel, changes in diet, stress, etc. But they can just as easily come back into balance with a bit of self-care, grounding diet, and mind-body practices such as pranayama and yoga. Because of this, vata types do really well with a regular routine.  Try to wakeup, go to bed, and take meals at the same time each day.  Oil the soles of feet at bedtime with sesame oil. These practices will promote sound sleep, strong digestion and better energy.


When vata types are out of balance, they may feel stress, anxiety, fear, coldness, poor digestion, and lack of interest or energy for everyday tasks.  When you start to experience imbalance, you can apply any of these qualities: liquid + heavy + hot + slow + oily + smooth + soft + dense + static + cloudy + gross to bring in balance.