Seasonal Routines for Fall

r i t u c h a r y a

seasonal routine

fall is an ideal time to recalibrate our routines, diet and lifestyle practices.

This summer has been hot and long and our bodies are calling for a break.  Now is the time when pitta (fire) imbalances will show up.  These may look like - rashes, acne or skin problems, irritability, a critical mind, acidity and difficulty falling asleep.  If any of this resonates for you, its time for some extra self-care.

Read on for tips to support this seasonal transition and optimize your health.


Let's welcome autumn with ceremony and celebration.  To give thanks for the summer and honor the start of a new season in our lives.  Some ways that I'm incorporating ritual into this transition:

> sitting outside with a cup of tea each morning. I listen to the sounds of the wind, bringing change and a new energy.  I see the squirrels and animals soaking up the last bits of summer.  I feel the warmth of the sun on my face.

> harvesting vegetables from the garden and giving thanks for abundance.

> walking barefoot on the earth for grounding.

> preparing my body for a cleanse by incorporating more vegetables into my diet and removing sugar, processed foods and excess sodium.

In October, I will take a 5-day Panchakarma cleanse to gently release toxins and excess heat from the body.  Are you interested in your own personalized cleanse?  Schedule a consultation here.