The Best Exercise for Your Dosha

It's no secret that there are many benefits of exercise.  But did you know that exercise is the best agni stimulant?  That's right, exercise improves digestion which is the cornerstone to good health!  

Exercise boosts immune function and increases the body’s resistance to disease. It clears channels, promotes circulation and the elimination of wastes. Exercise can improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and stress

When you exercise outdoors, you get an added boost to your prana or life force. Spending time in nature, walking, hiking, cycling and practicing yoga are just a few of the ways to reap the benefits of sunshine and fresh air. In summertime, it’s best to avoid exercising at midday and in wintertime, be sure to bundle up. 

As you know, there is no one size fits all approach with Ayurveda. Read on for some dosha-specific suggestions.

Best Exercise for Vata

Vatas benefit from gentle, low impact exercise like yoga - especially heated, yin and restorative. Exercise helps their anxiety but they can easily become addicted to vigorous exercise which exhausts them and temporarily prevents them from overthinking.  Many vatas love to run, but the stress on their joints can be damaging. Swimming, walking and cycling are great low impact options. Breath focused practices like Tai Chi, Qi Gong and pranayama help vatas to balance their prana.

Best Exercise for Pitta

Pittas enjoy a challenge when it comes to exercise. They enjoy team sports and healthy competition. They should take care not to overexert themselves. Swimming is highly beneficial. As are alignment-based styles of yoga like Hatha and Iyengar. Hiking, interval training, cycling and other goal-oriented activities appeal to pitta's achievement sensibilities.

Best Exercise for Kapha

More than any other dosha, kapha benefits from strong, intense, daily exercise. It's best to get things started with a morning workout to overcome the heaviness of sleep. Once started, kaphas are unstoppable and can carry this momentum throughout their day. Cardio, vigorous yoga and group workouts are all great options for kapha. Find a fun way to sweat everyday.

What’s your favorite way to exercise? Tell me in the comments below!