10 Tips to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Immunity with Ayurveda

Chances are you’re feeling a little stressed, frustrated and scared right now.  If you’ve been sitting at home, watching the news, feeling helpless and hopeless, let me be the bearer of good news - you have the POWER to shift your mindset and your health, right now!

We all know that the mind-body connection is REAL.  When our minds are stressed, so are our bodies. In Ayurveda, Ojas, our immunity and vitality, is affected by this stress.  Switching out of ‘fight or flight’ mode and into rest & digest will strengthen your immune system and put your mind at ease.

Here are ten easy steps that you can take to manage your stress and boost your immunity with Ayurveda.

1. Set boundaries. Be mindful of your consumption of news and social media.  Yes, we all want to know what is going on in the world and how our friends & family are handling it, BUT there is a threshold to how much information is actually beneficial.  Screen time negatively affects our bodies’ stress levels, hormones & sleep cycles. Take time to walk outside, call a friend, cook a meal or read a book instead.

2. Check in with the stories you are looping in your head.  We often get caught in a downward spiral of doom and gloom, looping the same sad story in our minds.  It’s important to feel our feelings and process them in a productive way. When you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk or “story-telling”, check it with this simple test.  Ask yourself:

  • is it true?

  • is it necessary

  • is it kind

Chances are it doesn’t meet the criteria for all three, so ditch it.

3. Work with affirmations or a mantra to remind yourself that everything will be OK.  When I’m feeling overwhelmed or get stuck in negative thinking, an affirmation instantly pulls me out of it.  What’s working for me right now: I am safe.  I am healthy.  I have everything I need.

4. Meditate.  Maybe you’ve been wanting to give it a try but haven’t found the time?  Well there’s no better time than the present to start. Read my article for tips and resources to get started.

5. Breathe. Take full deep breaths.  Shallow breathing keeps us in fight or flight.  Pranayama or breathwork is very supportive for your mind and nervous system.  My favorite techniques are: nadi-shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and deep belly breathing.

6. Stay hydrated.  Start your day with 2 cups of warm water.  Vatas may enjoy a squeeze of lemon, while Kaphas and Pittas do best with lime.  This helps to flush out toxins from your system and keep your lymphatic system running smoothly.

7. Move your body.  Movement helps the body release tension and stress.  Exercise produces endorphins which make us feel good.  Getting outside has the added benefits of fresh air and sunshine.

8. Reduce caffeine & alcohol.  While fun in the short-term, they ultimately cause more problems than they fix.  Both increase our cortisol levels which puts the body into stress mode and suppresses the immune system.  Caffeine aggravates Vata dosha, actually adding to our anxiety. And alcohol aggravates Pitta dosha which may result in frustration or anger.  Enjoy coffee alternatives or herbal teas instead.

9. Take care of your digestion!  In Ayurveda, strong digestion is the KEY to immunity.  When food is not properly digested, toxins are formed leading to stagnation and illness.  Tune into your body for signs of hunger and avoid emotional eating. Have your largest meal at lunchtime when digestion is strongest.  Consider proper food combining and easy to digest foods like soups, stews and kitchari.

10. Get some sleep.  During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, which help promote sound sleep. And when you don't get enough sleep, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced.  If it feels hard to fall asleep or stay asleep through the night, start getting ready for bed earlier. Let your mind and body unwind with soothing activities like reading, legs up the wall, epsom salt baths or enjoying a cup of herbal tea.  To ground your Vata, try oiling the soles of your feet and putting on socks before bed.

When life feels challenging, having the tools to do something can be so empowering.  Follow any of these tips and you’re sure to feel a little lighter and breathe a little easier. If you or someone you know, would benefit from one on one support, I’m offering free phone consultations to talk about anything.

And if you’ve tried any of these tips, I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below 💓