Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha is made of the Earth + Water elements.  

The gunas of kapha are:

cold + heavy + slow + liquid + oily + smooth + dense + soft + static + cloudy + gross

The kapha individual is often grounded and supportive, calm, patient and slow to move.  Kaphas have an easy going nature and it takes a lot to ruffle their feathers. They have large, kind eyes, sweet faces, thick hair, strong teeth and bones and an earthy build.  


Kapha types can have slow digestion and low appetite.  They are often not hungry for breakfast and prefer to take larger quantities of food later in the day.  They should eat their largest meal at lunchtime and have a light dinner.  Because of their sweet, juicy, oily nature, kaphas should avoid heavy, sweet and oily foods.  Their digestive strength benefits from extra stimulation through fasting and vigorous exercise.  The textures that are best for kapha are raw, crunchy, rough, light and dry foods. They do best with well-spiced, warming food.  The tastes that balance kapha are: pungent (spicy), bitter and astringent. Pungent taste can be found in spices: turmeric, pepper, ginger, cumin, cinnamon and others. Astringent foods include: legumes, apples, cranberries, pomegranate and some spices.  Bitter foods include: most green vegetables, eggplant, burdock root, cumin, dill, turmeric and other spices.


Kapha types can easily settle into a rut and thus benefit from routine.  They should wake up early, before the sunrise and of all doshas, kaphas tolerate the least amount of sleep.  They should exercise first thing in the morning to overcome the heaviness of sleep and get energy for the day.  They have great endurance and benefit from rigorous exercise such as hot yoga, hiking and cardio.  Self-care practices such as garshana (dry brushing) and exfoliating scrubs help to enliven and move kapha dosha.  Dry sauna is also beneficial for kapha.


When kapha types are out of balance, they may feel lethargy, depression, lack of appetite and coldness. Kapha is balanced by its opposite qualities: dry + light + hot + rough + subtle + mobile + clear.  Incorporating exercise and lots of fresh vegetables and light food are some of the best ways to stimulate kapha.