Who is this for?

Ayurveda takes an individualized approach so there is truly something for everyone. My programs are ideal for busy women, entrepreneurs and moms who don’t always have time to take care of themselves. You may already have some wellness practices in place but aren’t seeing the results you want. If you’re ready to reconnect with your intuition and make sustainable changes that feel good, then this is for you.

How does Ayurveda work?

Ayurveda focuses on finding the root cause of illness. It works to prevent disease at the source, rather than solely treating symptoms. We focus on prevention and wellness through diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda helps you sync with nature’s rhythms and experience mind-body balance.

How long does it take to see results?

Most clients see immediate improvements in their wellness. Our bodies naturally want to be in balance, we just need time and space to heal. Longstanding hormone imbalances and chronic illnesses may take longer to see full results.