

Destress - tools to restore balance

Understand - the root cause

Detox - physical & emotional toxins

Nourishment and much more…

WEekly calls

7 x 60 minute group calls + replays deepen your understanding of a wellness topic & integrate tools.

1 x 30 minute one on one session for clarity on your hormone & dosha assessment.


Email & direct messaging support

Slack workspace for goal setting, community and connection.

Access to Saraswati Ayurveda client site and resource library

This 8 week program valued at $3250

  • Unlimited communication with me via slack & email – $800

  • Slack community for encouragement & support

  • Video lessons + PDF guidebook and recipes $400

  • Personal hormone & dosha assessment $150

  • 3o minute One on One session $100

  • 7x weekly 60 minute group calls + replays $1400

  • Guided Ayurvedic cleanse $400

is yours for only $797 for a limited time