Hit the reset button with a big pot of kitchari.
This is the ideal food for gently cleansing and restoring digestion. I like to give my system a reboot on Mondays to feel grounded, nourished and ready for the week ahead.
Your agni or digestive fire is present not only in the gut but in all of your cells. It is responsible for your digestion (of food and experiences) as well as the cellular intelligence.
Each of the three doshas - vata, pitta and kapha has a distinct agni type. Your type tells you about the state of your digestion and your doshas. Read on to learn about each type and how to balance yourself.
Most of us have experienced some form of anxiety in our lives. Whether it shows up as irritability, restlessness, lack of concentration, racing thoughts, fatigue or sweating; it is the number one struggle I see with my clients.
Chances are you’re feeling a little stressed, frustrated and scared right now. If you’ve been sitting at home, watching the news, feeling helpless and hopeless, let me be the bearer of good news - you have the POWER to shift your mindset and your health, right now!
From a young age, we’re told that our periods will be painful, shameful and inconvenient. And while you’ve probably experienced PMS, cravings, bloating or cramps at some point in your life, this doesn’t always have to be the case. A healthy cycle is a sign that your body is functioning properly. So what does a healthy cycle look like? What are the signs of imbalance? And how do we gain back our power?
Hit the reset button with a big pot of kitchari 💕 This is the ideal food for cleansing and giving your digestion a break. I like to give my system a reboot on Mondays to feel grounded, nourished and ready for the week ahead. But you can enjoy kitchari anytime! Here’s a recipe for a simple kitchari- throw in whatever veggies and spices you have on hand.