A Success Story

“I really feel more calm / unstressed than I ever have in the middle of a semester which has been amazing”

We all love a success story.

Meet Izzy, age 22. Her prakruti or birth constitution is V3 P3 K2.

When I started working with Izzy, she was getting ready to move across the country to start grad school.  Talk about a vata shakeup!

A former competitive swimmer, her goals were to feel carefree, have strong digestion and good energy.  

Her main complaints were digestive struggles - IBS, anxiety, fatigue and headaches.

In the consultation, we found her main imbalance was vata dosha (air and space).

I put together an herbal formula to support digestion and mind.  Her lifestyle plan suggestions included:

  • a vata soothing diet

  • gentle movement

  • grounding with abhyanga and oiling the soles of her feet at bedtime.

At our most recent check-in, she noted the following

  • it’s a super hectic time with school right now because our term is wrapping up

  • I have felt really good lately so it seems like the herbs are going well - even when I forget to take them. My stomach has been better on average.

  • I have had higher energy levels for sure.

  • And I really feel more calm / unstressed than I ever have in the middle of a semester which has been amazing.

  • I've also been doing the oil massage before I shower every morning which I've loved and I feel like it's actually been so good for my skin

  • I've gotten a lot of compliments on my skin which is weird and hasn't really happened before haha

  • I've been drinking the CCF tea after lunch most days too.

This is empowered wellness in action!  Working together, Izzy gained the understanding + tools + support to make positive changes in her health.

Want to write your own success story?  Schedule your free phone consult today!